24 February 2021



Everlasting.... the word can have two meanings that immediately come to my mind. 

Waiting for test results or for coronavirus numbers to come down to a safe level so we can come out of lockdown can feel everlasting!

The other everlasting thing is good: being in paradise and then later on, the new earth. I used to think it would be like a Grace Church prayer meeting - the prayer times at Grace were something else and I never wanted them to end! Especially when God's tangible presence was present. The idea of enjoying God Himself for ever is pretty fantastic and something to which I'm looking forward with much anticipation. 

No harps and nighties on clouds thank you very much. I think if this present earth has so much variety for us to enjoy, God can be trusted to make sure paradise and the perfect new earth will be far better - so wonderful we can't even imagine it. There is fullness of joy in His presence - and that's good enough for me. Fullness of joy:  so much joy that we can't hold a drop more - and this amazing, marvellous time will never end. Great.


  1. We run the race with the goal of eternity in heaven with our saviour. This has been on my mind a lot this week. No harps or nighties for me either. God bless x
